
Showing posts from 2021

Welcome 2022

 2020 taught us how volatile we are, our plans, our thoughts, our beliefs; how badly uncertainties can hit us, but not destroy us. 2021 taught us how strong we are, the strenght humanity had shown to come back, we decided to be brave and took it forward. The economies were kept running. We know who shall stand strong by our sides, who may not. 2022 will show how united we will have to stand for a common cause. How to unite and save, or to divide and die. The virus keeps mutating, and it will go on mutating as long as the people of power decide that only the life of a few billions are important while that of some other billions are not important. It will mutate and it will continue to come back. Another new year of uncertainties, but let's hope that this year all the nation leaders shall uphold humanity above all and endeavour to unite and kill the viruses and all uncertainties for centuries to come. Peace shall prevail Welcome 2022


You never came to see me I was not your destination I was not your path I was on your road Lying by the side You were drenched in your journey You woke up and opened your eyes You saw me  You are deeply hallucinated You just saw me You never felt me You never enjoyed A ping pong of colours And still, you never knew me No permission I sprouted from opression Your rules, my reservations But I tried to cross Born in the dark to be ignored until death It's okay, I am used to your thematic chaos You cant bother me I am not your problem I am your mirror A broken mirror That pierces deep Into your flesh and beyond It's raining this summer  You can ignore me You can destroy me I am a graffitti Nevertheless Just a graffiti A mute spectator Born in the dark night Living through the days Winter, summer and the rains I fade  Jut to be reborn In brighter lively colours


You smiled, and it was poetry You spoke and it was magical realism Thoughts of you were afternoon drizzles Your presence was ecstasy You are a poem of elegance Queen of the new-found world 

Rose in a bottle

 A man met his afterlife He asked ' why do the people hate me and love you? Afterlife answered, 'I am a beautiful lie, while you are a bitter truth. People love the comfort of lying in a cozy beanbag full of lies.' Man was shocked, insults! Afterlife continued, 'They love rose gardens But they can walk over the roses They can crush it, juice it  And then feel ecstatic at the smell of bottled rose While even in the rarest of their dreams,  They never wish to place a foot on its thorn Not when it is on the plant, not after it dry  It's not the garden you love It's just the smell of rose' 'So?' asked the man Afterlife smiled and said,  'Bottle the smell and forget the thorns, There will always be a gardener The keeper of the garden, He shall clean them all'

Into you

Miles to you, but closer to heart Sharing thoughts, bonded by feelings Stronger and closer In a not so seasoned relationship. Hard to prove, but harder to break Beyond doubts, we are one I still wonder, how it started No breathtaking looks, No flirt, no tries A magnificent voice Compassionate, humane True to me, and truer to herself She painted my face But in thin air I looked happier than ever I fan followed, copied her suite Fell flat and broke my nose No winds, not even a breeze Not a leaf moved Dry and dusted They stood tall and still No rains, not even a drizzle Nobody bothered to clean the mud And in that world The two beautiful souls Set out for a drive Into the woods Only to get lost First the guy, then the girl The guy went running Blindfolded by the ethos Of an unwavering past Shocked was the girl spirit Cold and frozen No new thoughts, but jumped into the wild Groping for the scintillating sun A face never seen Voices ringing, roaring, clinging Chained are her hands And her