Welcome 2022

 2020 taught us how volatile we are, our plans, our thoughts, our beliefs; how badly uncertainties can hit us, but not destroy us.

2021 taught us how strong we are, the strenght humanity had shown to come back, we decided to be brave and took it forward. The economies were kept running. We know who shall stand strong by our sides, who may not.

2022 will show how united we will have to stand for a common cause. How to unite and save, or to divide and die. The virus keeps mutating, and it will go on mutating as long as the people of power decide that only the life of a few billions are important while that of some other billions are not important. It will mutate and it will continue to come back. Another new year of uncertainties, but let's hope that this year all the nation leaders shall uphold humanity above all and endeavour to unite and kill the viruses and all uncertainties for centuries to come.

Peace shall prevail

Welcome 2022


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