Start today. You can be the best Manager

Who is an Ideal manager? If you are a manager, how to measure your efficiency.
You should be that manager whom you would dream of working with.
Competencies you should build  in order to become a successful manager
1.       Shares the vision
The companies you work for have their vision. A manager should be a visionary leader. He should be able to share his vision with his colleagues. Build a team that has the same vision, each person in the team will work in blood and sweat.
2.       Concise and inspiring communicator
This doesn’t mean that a manager should be some orator. Clarity of expression is important. He should be able to effectively communicate to people. (Probing- as I have mentioned in my previous article). If you couldn’t understand what someone has told you, clarify.
3.       Planner
Better the planning better will be your execution. A better manager should always be able to understand his resources and optimize them to achieve team goals.
4.       Flexible
A manager should tackle problems with an open mind. Adaptability is an important tool.
5.       Performance manager
Manager is no more a feudal landlord. He is never expected to behave in the way too. He is accountable for the performance of the team along with the team members. He has to shoulder the responsibility to uplift the low performing arms of the team.
What should be done hence?
Find the root cause of the poor performance – rectify it.
6.       Committed
Encourages and supports people and drive initiatives.
7.       Motivational leader
Lead from the front. That is expected of a leader.
8.       Team builder
A good manager fosters a co-operative team style. Such a style will avoid egos and bring in sustainable achievements to the team.
9.       Guardian of the culture
To be straight, the team should not move left when the entire company moves to the right.
 . .      Subject knowledge
You should be learnt and updated in your subject. Swim with the tide, or else you will lose somewhere.

Comments and suggestions expected. I believing in improving my article.


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