
Showing posts from January, 2017

Start today. You can be the best Manager

Who is an Ideal manager? If you are a manager, how to measure your efficiency. You should be that manager whom you would dream of working with. Competencies you should build  in order to become a successful manager 1.        Shares the vision The companies you work for have their vision. A manager should be a visionary leader. He should be able to share his vision with his colleagues. Build a team that has the same vision, each person in the team will work in blood and sweat. 2.        Concise and inspiring communicator This doesn’t mean that a manager should be some orator. Clarity of expression is important. He should be able to effectively communicate to people. (Probing- as I have mentioned in my previous article). If you couldn’t understand what someone has told you, clarify. 3.        Planner Better the planning better will be your execution. A better manager should always be able to understand his resources and optimize them to achieve team goals. 4.        F

How to develop inter-personal skills

All of us love to be the kind of person who is loved by all. But how many ever become successful in getting the love of people? There are certain inter personal skills that distinguish people. These can be divided into six different traits. Trait no. 1 – Friendliness How many different masks do you wear? How long can you fake? At one moment or the other, what you are trying to hide from everybody will get exposed. Don’t fake. Remove your mask. Be yourself. You will be happy. In a while you will find yourself surrounded by people who enjoy your company and those whom you are more comfortable with. Who doesn’t want to be cared? How much you care for the other always counts. People who care for their fellow beings are always loved. When was the last time you had asked a kid, “Who do you love more, mom or dad?” The habit of ranking people starts right there.  Being friendly requires you to develop one more skill – i.e. You should learn to respect others. Ranking take away the e