
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Hierarchy of Disagreement

In course of your career, you may have to come across different kinds of people.  In a 360 degree perspective, you will have your superiors, your peers and your subordinates. Maybe you have disagreements with them or maybe they end up disagreeing with you. Disagreement takes skill and there are more ways to disagree than there to agree.  In his essay  “How to Disagree”, Paul Graham classifies the ways of arguing a point. He suggests that they should form a hierarchy based on their strength and frequency of use.   The hierarchy, visualized as an infographic  forms a pyramid with the most convincing type of disagreement at the top. The width of the type of argument symbolizes the relative frequency at which each type is used in arguments. hence the most convincing type of argument becomes the least used and vice versa. Not only does it take some skill to identify the central point of an argument and to find how to refute it, this way of arguing also requires that the opponent commi

A beautiful life

 My writings are only as good as my tantrums and meltdowns And those conundrums you throw,  Not expecting to be answered  Were they getting better or worse? But stage by stage Step by step. Started with a jerk, A bit of a hesitation Then flowed like a stream  Only to diverge into the woods Lost and wandering  Longing to meet  The oceans green Will I get better?  Or are you waiting for the butcher? Remember, the oceans are blue and still Swimming is a choice Survival is fate, lest you forget It's for you and me To overcome the test of time.

What if!!

 Maybe you will fall But what do you feel? Is there a chance you might succeed? If there is a ray of hope, Don't think twice Just rush on, You hot boiled blood, Mark my words Crash landing is goal achieved too!! Pick up your bag No cheesecakes Break a few cheeks The game is not over until you win

Things to do

Hi albatross Why do you keep coming back, I thought Is there anything you love about this place? No Do you have someone waiting for you? No Then? I have things to do, dreams to fulfill.

Red red blood

 Push you Pull you Eat you To feed me Without regrets Pump you Never a disgrace In my veins Creeping crawling Red red hot Burnt are those lands Where i fell In and out Stab me Shoot me Dance around Killer, Healer I keep pumping Whatsoever No regrets Zero on hopes No faith I lead my way Nothing new No rocket science Humble No nonchalance I never leave it to fate Can't let it go The rush Here There Everywhere But Worthy Of that extra mile 

Red bulb blue bulb

  Red and blue set off for a march Red stood staight and broke his back Blue changed course and triumphed Hail blue, who stood the test of times The crowd cheered, gifts showered Podium to hospital bed, Rushed the extravagant Blue 'Thank you Red, See I won Dream of my life Righteous but still courteous Owe you my life' Red smiled Passed his hands gently over the memento Brass! he exclaimed And brass is not made of cracked bones A gentle smile A kiss in the air Bye